Below you will find some of our most commonly asked questions. Of course, if there is anything we’ve missed or you need further clarification, please feel free to contact us

1. Will it work on my phone system?
2. What kind of hardware is required?
3. Who installs the hardware?
4. Who owns the hardware?
5. Is there a contract involved? How much does it cost?
6. Does it cost extra for additional branch locations?
7. What’s the difference between a digital player and a CD or cassette player?
8. Who writes the scripts?
9. Do you have samples I can listen to?
10. How long will it take for me to receive my finished tape?
11. What format will my finished production come in?
12. Why can’t we just use the radio or play commercial CDs?

1. Will it work on my phone system?

Most phone systems manufactured in the past 10 years have MOH (Music On Hold) capabilities. If you aren’t sure, and the information isn’t in your phone system manual, please call your phone vendor. But even if your phone system doesn’t have MOH capabilities, we have low cost hardware solutions to solve most problems. Please Contact Us for more information.

2. What kind of hardware is required?

You will need two basic kinds of hardware to play our Messages-On-Hold. One is the MOH circuitry, which is more than likely already installed in your phone system. The other is the actual sound source, or player itself. Any one of the following will work: a digital playback unit (which includes CD loading, cassette loading, and internet downloadable), a computer, an MP3 player, a CD player, or cassette player. Read more about our Hardware options.

3. Who installs the hardware?

We can supply the sound source or player (of course, you are welcome to provide your own), but the installation should be done by your phone vendor. Note: Be sure to involve your phone service vendor in any work done on your phones. Permitting outside technicians to access your phone system could void warranties or service contracts.

4. Who owns the hardware?

This has been our long-standing policy: As long as it works, it’s yours. But at the point that it malfunctions in anyway, it becomes ours and we will replace it immediately.

5. Is there a contract involved? How much does it cost?

No contract is required to do business with us. However, we do offer discounted rates if you agree to sign a one-year contract and prepay for a certain number of new productions. Learn more about Pricing.

6. Does it cost extra for additional branch locations?

We will not charge you extra for additional branch locations as long as; 1) We are reproducing exact duplicates of the primary production, 2) We are shipping all the productions to one location, 3) There are 10 or less branch locations. If you want productions shipped to each branch directly, the cost is $5 per production per location.

7. What’s the difference between a digital player and a CD or cassette player?

The main difference is in the durability of the equipment. CD and cassette players, which have many moving parts (servo-motors, lasers, tape heads, etc.), were never designed for continuous 24 hour-a-day use, and therefore will wear out much faster than the digital units. The digital units, on the other hand, load the entire Messages on Hold program onto digital flash memory, which has no moving parts and no sound degradation play after play. The only downside to a digital unit is that it costs more than your standard CD or cassette player, but the investment is outweighed by its dependability (some of our digital units have been on the job for 7 years now without ever needing servicing!!!).

8. Who writes the scripts?

Every month, we send to our clients our Script Sampler, which has between 15 and 20 seasonal and timely suggestions for your Messages on Hold script. These are written by our team of experts who know the seasonal needs and interests of credit unions. Many of our clients just fill in their specifics (cu name, interest rates, etc.) and fax it back to us for production. It can take as little as 5 minutes of your time. Of course, you can write your own if you like, it’s up to you.

9. Do you have samples I can listen to?

Yes. We have various samples that can be accessed from our Samples page.

10. How long will it take for me to receive my finished tape?

Depending on what day of the week we receive your finished script, it could be back to you in as little as three days. We record on Mondays and Thursdays, and all productions are in the mail the following day. The only variable is the time it will take to get to you in the mail. (Of course we can always over-night it, if you’re in a real hurry)

11. What format will my finished production come in?

We have the technology to produce your on-hold production in whatever file format or interface that you need. Tape, CD, WAV file, MP3, or whatever else your on-hold hardware or phone system requires.

12. Why can’t we just use the radio or play commercial CDs?

It isn’t advisable for two reasons. First, you would be liable for royalties to ASCAP and BMI, two industry watchdog groups who monitor the use of licensed music for commercial purposes. If you are caught, you could be liable for fines by as much as $100,000. Click here for more info from BMI’s website. And second, you would have no control over what your members were hearing while on-hold, the worst-case scenario being an ad for one of your competitors.

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